Lena Owens
Mixed Media | Painting | Photography
Lena's palette knife oil impasto textured technique has emerged as a favorite medium. She also loves playing and experimenting with fresh ideas, mixed medium techniques, acrylics, watercolors, drawings, and photography. Born In Moscow Russia with Lithuanian and Finn roots, currently residing in Colorado she claims herself more of a self-taught artist. Lena traces her intense interest in art to her relationship with her father, still life and nature painter, and his style and talents developed under the influence of traditional Russian academic art training.
Her father has been a mentor and art teacher in her life and who is still her source of inspiration. Her further intrinsic talents were molded during her formal art education through three years of courses with the Moscow Art Academy. Lena sees that Creation is possible when peace and harmony are attained within. She believes that the ability to perceive beauty brings inner peace and clarity. When that happens, it can manifest itself outward in various ways, including art. Art teaches nothing except the significance of life.
Websites: olenaart.org | olenaart.me
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: facebook.com/OLenaArtStudio | facebook.com/OLenaArtBrand
Instagram: @olenaart | @olenaartbrand
Tumblr: tumblr.com/blog/olenaart