Matt Mclaughlin
Oil, Acrylic
Beginning at an early age, Matt learned to draw, sketch, and later to paint. Matt had observed his father sketch cars so often in Church to keep his fidgeting son quiet. Fascinated by cars, much of his time in high school was spent patching his latest ride back together on a shoestring budget, with borrowed tools, often past midnight in the driveway, with a flashlight and cinder block jack stands with his brother Joel offering assistance, or sometimes jokes about the workmanship.
Combining his talent for painting and love of automotive design from days gone by, he explores the back roads searching and evaluating the rusting remains of transportation that become an interesting study for his next work of art. Many of his travels have taken him across Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Arkansas, and Utah.
Matt is an expert in combining a balance of color, texture, and light. Sometimes he manipulates surfaces. He captures character in pigment.
Matt has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Houston and served 4 years in the United States Air Force (USAF). He has years of experience in interior design, space planning, color coordination and lighting in Denver, Colorado.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (303) 532-9332